
Orienteering Hutt Valley Inc.


NZRA logo NZSSS logo


NZ Secondary Schools Rogaine Championships 2024

This event is the official 2024 New Zealand Secondary Schools Rogaine Championships and is a 3 hour event. The event is open to all secondary school students.

Final Instructions were sent to competitors on 7 July 2024.


Wednesday 17 July, 2024


  • The event will take place in the Lower Hutt hills within a 20 minute drive from central Lower Hutt.
  • The event centre is at Arakura School, 209 Wellington Rd, Wainuiomata. Please park considerately in surrounding streets – please don’t park in the school grounds.


  • The event is a 3 hour rogaine on foot for teams of 2 – 4 people. All teams must have a minimum of 2 people.
  • If you are a parent, supporter, or teacher of a competitor(s) in the NZSSRC and would like to do the rogaine at the same time as them then click here to enter. This event will run from 12.15pm – 3.15pm i.e. 15 minutes after the main NZSSRC event.

  • For those who are not a parent/supporter/teacher of a competitor(s) in the NZSSRC, the course will be run again in the evening from 6pm – 9pm as part of Orienteering Hutt Valley's After-work Rogaine series. Details are here.

  • The NZ Secondary Schools Orienteering Championships will follow the rogaine (on Friday 19th – Sunday 21st July 2024). The website is here 

NZ Secondary School Categories

Non-championship (Y) Years 7/8 (and 13 or under) Girls, Boys, or miXed
Juniors (J) Years 9–11 (and 16 or under) Girls, Boys, or miXed
Seniors (S) Years 12/13 (and 19 or under) Girls, Boys, or miXed




Entry Fee: $30 per person

Who does the entries?

  • Normally the school sports coordinator, school secretary, or the team manager will complete the entry process. Please consult your school to confirm who should be adding entries.
  • Student entries for NZSSRC 2024 need to be made using the online system EnterO.

When do entries close?

  • The standard entry fee closing date is 11:59pm on Sunday 7 July.
  • Note that this is towards the end of Term 2 so can be a busy time. We recommend getting entries in early.
  • Participants entries will only be valid when both payment and principal's permission have been received. If payment has not been received before the event takes place, participants will be deemed as “non-competitive” and will not be ranked.

How is payment made?

  • Payment is made by the school. The school collects the individual payments from each student.
  • The payment details are all within the online entry system — bank transfer (NZ only).  School administrators can deposit the total entry fee from any New Zealand bank account into the event bank account, with the following information from your confirmation email: 
Reference Your unique entry key, generated by the entry system
Particulars Your school name/code


The entrant list in EnterO shows all competitors. If a student’s name is not included in this list, this student has not been entered. 

Principal’s consent

All school students must be entered in the event using EnterO. 

Once all of a school's entries are complete a school-specific PDF document must be downloaded from EnterO for the School Principal to endorse and sign. A copy of this PDF file will also be emailed to the school’s contact email address. 

The signed document must be scanned or photographed and emailed to the event organisers at secretary@ohv.org.nz

This endorsement and payment are required by the closing date deadline to confirm all entries.

Team manager

It is the responsibility of the school’s team manager to make sure every individual athlete is entered in the correct grade. At least one team member must have some navigation experience and have the skills to read a map, understand the legend, and know how to orientate a map using a compass confidently.  



A student eligible to compete officially in the NZSSRC24 must: 

  • Be enrolled as a bona fide (Year 9 or above) student in New Zealand at the school of representation and studying at least 80% of a programme that is part of the timetable provided by the school for at least four weeks immediately prior to the event. 
  • Have a satisfactory attendance record at the school. The final decision will be at the principal’s discretion. 
  • Be under 19 years of age at the first of January in the year of the competition. 
  • Year 7 & 8 students must meet equivalent criteria as bona fide students in Year 7 or 8. Younger children are not eligible to enter any of the events. 
  • Under School Sport NZ guidelines, home-schooled students that provide current evidence of Ministry of  Education approval for home schooling may participate in an NZSSSC-sanctioned event. However, home-schooled students are not eligible for medal placings although their placing in events will be recognised.  The parent or guardian of the home-schooled student must sign off the registration document accepting full responsibility for their student including the event health and safety plans. 

Where an ineligible or non-competitive student is participating (e.g. a student visiting from overseas), their performance may be recognised by organisers in prize-giving, but they are not eligible for an official placing.


Registration, gear check, and planning will take place at the event centre


On the day

Wednesday 17 July 2024:

10:30am Registration opens
11:15am Maps released
11:30am Maps released for parents/supporters public event
11:15am – 11:50am Planning
11:50am Race briefing
12 noon – 3:00 pm Event in progress
12:05pm Race briefing for parents/supporters public event
12:15pm – 3:15pm Parents/supporters public event in progress
3:15pm (ish) Prizegiving


Results and prizegiving

Provisional results will be provided at the Event Centre at the conclusion of the event. Final results will be made public upon completion of the event at prizegiving subject to there being no outstanding complaints or protests.


  • The terrain is a mix of urban streets and NZ native bush including beech forest with a number of criss-crossing tracks.
  • Some of the course is steep with numerous spurs and gullies.
  • It will be slippery if wet and shoes with good grip are strongly recommended.

A part of the map was used for a rogaine in 2021 although there have been a lot of track changes since then. You can view that map here.


  • Navlight is being used which is provided by NZRA. Information on the NavLight system is here.


  • Be prepared for rain, hail or shine. The event will go ahead unless weather warnings are in place. Please dress and prepare for a great day regardless of the weather.
  • Gear will be checked at registration. Any individual or team without compulsory gear will not be permitted to start.
  • LandSAR will be on site, along with a trained first aider. Cell phone coverage is available throughout most of the course.
  • All participants are required to follow all instructions from race officials and event organisers.
  • Twenty points will be deducted for each minute a team is late. If a team is over 20 minutes late, the team will be disqualified.


Individuals must carry the following gear at ALL times. Gear will be checked at registration.

Personal Gear (to be carried by every team member)

  • Fleece / Merino top
  • Thermal Top
  • Thermal Bottoms
  • Jacket (water/wind proof)
  • Beanie & gloves
  • Whistle
  • Torch / headlight
  • Food (at least 1 item per hour on course)
  • Drink (no water is available on course)
  • Survival Bag 
  • Backpack to carry it all

Team Gear (can be carried by anyone in the team)

  • Cell Phone (in waterproof bag – emergency use only)
  • Multi-purpose knife (e.g. Swiss Army knife)
  • First Aid Kit (minimum = plasters, small & large bandages, tape, paracetamol, crepe rolls, anti-histamine pills)
  • 2 x Compasses


Individual participants or schools

If a student or a school's whole team needs to withdraw from NZSSRC24 for whatever reason, please notify the event organiser as soon as possible via email. Notifications sent after the event will not be taken into consideration.

Refund policy:

Withdrawls prior to standard entry fee closing date 100% of fees paid will be refunded
Withdrawls after the closing date No refunds.


All eligible refunds will be processed within two weeks of NZSSRC24 completion.  The event organisers take no liability for any financial loss incurred by participants due to cancellation of any travel or accommodation arrangements.

Event cancellation

Cancellation or partial cancellation of the event may occur in conditions that are too dangerous for safe competition.  Situations that might lead to cancellation are fire risk, extreme weather, loss of access, serious earthquake, or death of a competitor or spectator.

Should any of the events need to be cancelled, this information will be posted on the event website as soon as possible.  An email will also be sent to all participants using the email address they provided as part of their entry as soon as practicable after the decision is taken.

The event organisers will endeavour to refund as much of the entry fee as possible, taking into consideration any costs already incurred.  The event organisers take no liability for any financial loss incurred by participants due to cancellation of any travel or accommodation arrangements.


Event organisers and volunteers aim to deliver NZSSRC24 in a safe manner. The key guideline is safety of our volunteers, competitors, and supporters. Please operate within your own comfort zone, do not take unnecessary risks, and take responsibility for your own and others’ safety. Please report any concerns to the event organisers.


Event organisers will communicate any changes as soon as reasonably possible.

If you have any questions or require any further information, please contact the event organisers.


Contact name Simon Rea – Event Director, Orienteering Hutt Valley Inc.
Email secretary@ohv.org.nz