
Orienteering Hutt Valley Inc.


Rogaine Numbers Boom

Published Fri 19 Nov 2021

Yet another rogaine record at this week's afterwork rogaine, run in four waves on Wednesday and Thursday nights. There were 370 people pre-registered. In a way the covid limit of 100 at a time is a benefit as it spreads the start/finish load, but we've had to forgo the traditional pizza. There were 33 controls. from Mt Kaukau to Crofton Downs to the north end of Te Ahu Mairangi. Results are at https://www.ohv.org.nz/rogaining/afterwork-rogaine-results-2021/

That was the last afterwork rogaine for 2021, but there are FIVE more this year. To mark the 30th anniversary of rogaining in New Zealand, The Big Trig is a collection of rogaines from 1 to 5 hours over the weekened 10-12 December. Website...